Investment costs

Your savings in the Sky Pension Plan are subject to investment charges. These vary dependent on the funds that your savings are invested in.

To help you understand what these different charges are and how they work we have provided short explanations of some key elements:

Annual management charge (AMC)

When you invest your savings in a fund, each fund normally has an annual management charge. Annual management charges are reflected in the unit price of the fund or funds that your pension account is invested in. They are paid from your pension account on an annual basis. The annual management charge includes a number of expenses such as administration costs and investment charges, as well as expenses incurred by the fund manager. If a fund is actively managed (the investment manager uses their expertise to select funds which they think will outperform the market or benchmark), the annual management charge is likely to be higher than a passively managed fund. (In a passively managed fund, the investment manager aims to match the market return or benchmark.)

Annual management charges vary from fund to fund and the Trustees work to negotiate favourable annual management charges for the funds available.

Total expense ratio (TER)

The total expense ratio measures the total costs related with managing and operating an investment fund. It is the ratio between the fund’s total costs and the fund’s total assets. The ratio reflects both the annual management charge as well as any additional fund expenses, such as legal and operating costs, incurred by the investment manager.

Transaction costs

When investments are bought and sold, there are usually transaction costs. Any transaction costs will depend on the fund(s) and any trading activity on that day. The Annual Statement by the Chair of Trustees (which can be found here) includes further information about transaction charges, including an illustration of the effect of costs and charges.

Out-of-market costs

Your money is also likely to be out of the market while the transaction is being made. This means that your investment will not benefit from the rise of markets over this time. However, your assets will not incur any losses either.

Neither the Trustees, nor Buck, nor the underlying investment managers are liable for the risk that the market alters dramatically while your money is out of the market.

To find out which investment charges apply to the funds you are invested in, check out the relevant fund factsheet on the Plan’s investment microsite here.
